How can I determine the row coordinate in a ultraGrid?
For example, in UltraTree, we can using Node.Bounds.Top and Node.Bounds.Bottom to find the Y coordinate of that node in the UltraTree. How can I see the similar thing in ultraGrid for a row?
Hello Xin, I believe that you can use the GetUiElement on the row, this will return you a UIElement that has rectangle property and easily you can get the Y coordinate form it.Here is sample snipped retrieved form row object: UIElement element = e.Row.GetUIElement(); int ycord = element.Rect.Y;I hope this helps.Sincerely,DimiDeveloper Support EngineerInfragistics, Inc.
Hi Dimi,
Thanks for your quick reply, it works.
Thank you
Hi Mike
Thanks for your tips. I added null check when I access the UIElment.
You should check that the UIElement is not null before you try to get the Rect. The UIElement will be null if the row is not visible on the screen - like when it is scrolled out of view, for example.