I want to use infragistics windocmanager with docable panels/sections similar to the way in visual studio, solution exploere or the properties windows are there, can any one please give me a code sample to do this?
There is a sample called "Docking" in the NetAdvantage Windows Forms Feature Browser that is available as part of the samples we ship with our product. Once you have the samples installed, you can access the source code for this particular sample at the following location on your machine:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Infragistics\NetAdvantage for .NET 2009.1\Windows Forms\Samples\WinToolbars\CS\Docking Demo CS
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Infragistics\NetAdvantage for .NET 2009.1\Windows Forms\Samples\WinToolbars\VB\Docking Demo VB
Thanks Kim,
I got the dockign working, I have a backup question, I am using contednt pane inside a XamDockManager, I want to add styles.
Currently the background around the header shows a grey background, I want to change its color and
also when the pane docks I want to add a image to the header etc...is there any samples where I can see these styling beeing applied ?