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UltraGrid Row Height


There is requirement for settting the row height of ultragrid to three times the default height. Also if the text doesn't fit into the available width and height, then it should show the ellipsis at end and show full text in the tooltip on grid cell

As far I know that I can either set the row to autosize according to the length of text or can set the elipsis to show grid cell. But I don't know how can I set the both at one time



  • 27093

    Hello Narinder.

    In order to set the height of the row you can use:

    ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.RowSizingAutoMaxLines = 3;

    in addition to

    this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.RowSizing = RowSizing.AutoFree;


    ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.CellMultiLine =


    but when you are using CellMultiLine you can't set TextTrimming since the text isn't actually trimmed it simply not visualized. In order to have the ellipsis character you'll have to provide your own logic.


    Petar Monov

    Developer Support Engineer,

    Infragistics, Inc



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