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UltraMonthViewSingle question about small "bar" that shows up after shrinking ctrl.


I inherited some code that uses a UltraMonthViewSingle, which I am not very familiar with.  We needed to shrink the control.  After shrinking it, we noticed a small "bar" appearing in every cell.  The bar appears to do nothing.  It does not dropdown or display data.  Can you tell us what this is?  I do not see anything in the properties for the control that refer to this.  I don't see that is should be showing up at all, but obviously it does.  In this case, a "picture is worth a thousand words", so I am attaching a screen shot of the the control (during runtime) after resizing it in the designer. 

Can you tell me what this "bar" is?  I.e. is it a property that I can control?  And how do I remove it?



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  • 69832
    Suggested Answer
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    We call that the "MoreActivityIndicator", and it denotes the presence of appointments below the last visible one in a day. When the user clicks it, the MoreActivityIndicatorClicked event fires. We added this in emulation of MS Outlook; in Outlook, clicking this thing hides the MonthViewSingle and shows the DayView in its place, providing a more detailed view of that day's activity. Since it is not within the realm of control behavior to hide itself and show another control, we kept the functionality generic and just exposed the event.
