I have a main form that is using the DockManager to control showing of a UserControl panel that permits selection of items from parent/child grids. Upon selection of a unique item from the child grid or activation of the "new item" process ( e.g. File | New), the panel is "Unpin"ned and input focus is switched (or least appears to be) to the main forms work space that now displays a UserControl entry screen. Even though input focus appears to be on the first edit control (blinking cursor in the control) of the entry screen, Hot Keys and Tab events on the now unpinned panel are still active.
Is there a trick to turning off input focus from a hidden (not Closed) panel? I've tried disabling the panel, and several other ideas like that to keep the controls on the hidden panel from intercepting messages while hiddden; however, I have not been successful so far.
Ok, well this should probably be fixed. I have forwarded this post to the Developer Support Manager and a DS engineer will be contacting you about this issue.
Yes. The only way I have figured out how to stop the focus on the the controls contained by the unpinned panel is to set its Tabstop property via the PaneDisplayed and PaneHidden events, i.e.
e.Pane.Control.TabStop = e.Pane.IsInView;
Only thing I found so far that gets the desired behavior.
This sounds like it may be a bug. Have you tried calling Focus() on the control that appears to have the focus?