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Docking is not happening when i choose any item inside that


Docking is not happening when i choose any item inside that.

Inside the docking we are loading the control( ultragrid).if i choose any item from the grid and move the mouse away from the docking panel, then auto hide of docking functionality is not working..

Here is the code we aare used for docking.

_mainDockManager -> name of the UltraDockManager
_ctrlTEST -> Object of the control

Runtime Code
if (_ctrlTEST == null)
                    /* Floating Dock Area Pane */
                    _dockAreaPaneTEST = new DockAreaPane(DockedLocation.DockedRight);
                    _dockAreaPaneTEST.ChildPaneStyle = ChildPaneStyle.VerticalSplit;
                    _dockAreaPaneTEST.Text = "";
                    /* Add To The Dock Manager */

                    _ctrlTEST = new EmployeeTESTControl();
                    _ctrlTEST.IsLoading = true;
                    _ctrlTEST.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
                    _ctrlTEST.OnWorkItemAssignmentClicked += new EmployeeTESTControl.OnWorkItemAssignmentHandler(OnWorkItemViewAssignment);

                    /* Create Pane Which Holds Control */
                    _dockableControlPaneTEST = new DockableControlPane(_ctrlTEST);
                    _dockableControlPaneTEST.Text = "TEST";
                    _dockableControlPaneTEST.Key = "TESTTAB";
                    _dockableControlPaneTEST.FlyoutSize = new Size(950, -1);
                    _dockableControlPaneTEST.Pinned = false;
                    _dockableControlPaneTEST.Settings.AllowClose = DefaultableBoolean.False;

Please let me know how to resolve this issue. Its quite urgent.

No Data
  • 44743

    This sounds like correct behavior. When a control in a dock pane has focus, the pane will not auto-hide. So when you detect that the user is done editing in the grid, you could call Focus() on the Form or some other control not in the grid to auto hide the pane.
