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I've got a problem with a big decimal precision. I'm using UltraGrid to present decimal values that come from Oracle. One problem is that OracleDecimal precision is quite big to decimal precision of .Net

So i decide use UltraMaskedEditor as EditorControl of the grid to show that values as string but formated as a double like this : 123.456.678.901,00 and dataFilter as

Public Class CheckEditorDataFilter
    Implements Infragistics.Win.IEditorDataFilter

  Public Function Convert(ByVal args As Infragistics.Win.EditorDataFilterConvertArgs) As Object Implements Infragistics.Win.IEditorDataFilter.Convert

that applies the mask with the number separator and return it.


My problem is that when i'm in editMode, the cell appear to have the pronpt char "_" to fill the remain values, so i change it to "", but the spaces appear anyway...

Is the a solution to remove this white spaces when i'm in edit mode?