I used to be able to listen to the propertychanged event to determine when a node is expanded or made visible. The following code no longer works in V2009.1(hotfix 2012) but does work if I change my references back to V2008.2. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? I would expect to see a messagebox when the root node is expanded and collapsed. The PropertyChanged event is not firing at all during the expand. It does fire when nodes are added to the tree.
public Form1()
ultraTree1.PropertyChanged += ultraTree1_PropertyChanged;
UltraTreeNode node = ultraTree1.Nodes.Add("TEST");
private void ultraTree1_PropertyChanged(object sender, Infragistics.Win.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
PropChangeInfo info = e.ChangeInfo.Trigger;
while (info != null)
if ((PropertyIds)info.PropId == PropertyIds.IsExpanded)
/* move to the next trigger */
info = info.Trigger;
Hi Bill,
I took a quick look and this appears to be a bug that was introduced recently. I am forwarding this thread over to Infragistics Developer Support so they can get it corrected.
Hi Mike,
Thanks, I will open a support request so we can track the issue as well.