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UltraTree - error while set the first node of tree be invisible

my application requires refreshing nodes in ultra tree. I want to remove or hide some nodes with specific attributes. One of the deleted nodes is the first node added to the tree.

If I set that node visible = false I get the following error:

"The ActiveNode can only be set to a node that belongs to this control."

If I try to remove that node, I get error:

"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index"

Here is my code:

- Create a new UltraTree with name ultraTree1

 void createTree()
            //the following code causes problem


            UltraTreeNode _n1 = ultraTree1.Nodes.Add("node 1");

            UltraTreeNode _n2 = ultraTree1.Nodes.Add("node 2");

            ultraTree1.ActiveNode = null;
            //_n1.Visible = false;
            //the code causing problem

and the main class:

 public Form1()

            createTree();//works ok
            createTree(); //get error


I found out that BeginUpdate() and EndUpdate() cause these errors. It works ok if I comment out BeginUpdate() and EndUpdate(). However, I want to use these methods because my tree has considerable large number of nodes.

Do you have any hot fix for that issue ???

I use Infragistics 9.1



Parents Reply
  • 460
    posted in reply to Eric

    I have opened a new post on this issue go here


    I have version 2009.2  and I am running into the same problem.  I can loop through all of the nodes and their child nodes and find the node that I am trying to activate but it gives me the error.  Here is my code 

    It reaches the if (parentNode.Nodes.Contains(_clickedNode)) and it returns true but as soon as I hit the line ActiveNode = parentNode.Nodes[_clickedNode.Index]; it errors out with "The ActiveNode can only be set to a node that belongs to this control."


       private void SetNodeAsActive(UltraTreeNode parentNode, UltraTreeNode clickedNode)


                if (parentNode.Nodes.Contains(_clickedNode))



                    parentNode.Nodes[_clickedNode.Index].Selected = true;


                    ActiveNode = parentNode.Nodes[_clickedNode.Index];




                    foreach (var parentNodes in parentNode.Nodes)


                        SetNodeAsActive(parentNodes, clickedNode);





    I have also tried and I get the error as well


            private void SetNodeAsActive(UltraTreeNode parentNode, UltraTreeNode clickedNode)


                if (parentNode.Nodes.Contains(_clickedNode))



                    _clickedNode.Selected = true;


                    ActiveNode = _clickedNode;




                    foreach (var parentNodes in parentNode.Nodes)


                        SetNodeAsActive(parentNodes, clickedNode);





