I need to format a ultranumicedir as percent, and stumbed upon "P" in a post, but am shocked that I can't find a comprehensive list of possibilities, especially with abbreviations.
Am I missing something obvious? Is this a Visual Studio standard somewhere?
This will come up again I am sure.
Any help appreciated.
Mathew Brown
The standard/custom strings are documented in MS' help - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fbxft59x.aspx
Andrew Smith"] The standard/custom strings are documented in MS' help - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fbxft59x.aspx
That link takes you to a page with 8 more links... Why doesn't Infragistics do their customers a favor and provide a SINGLE table that contains ALL of the various fomat codes possible categorized by the type of field they are valid for. (Decimal, Double, String, etc...) Infragistics seems to rely WAY to heavily on MS documentation which, as most everyone I know agrees, absolutely SUCKS.
You are suggesting that Infragistics re-document the entire DotNet Framework because Microsoft documentation of the framework is not good enough? I think that's a bit outside the grasp of our available resources. :)
Vince McDonald"] Microsoft documented this already - although instead of one page with all the available options, they provided four. It's a design choice on their part.
Microsoft documented this already - although instead of one page with all the available options, they provided four. It's a design choice on their part.
"It's a design choice on their part." Hmmm... what a politically nice way of saying it.
We also publish our documentation publicly on our website, as well as available for download with our trial versions. Because of this, even if we did have the resources to provide documentation on Microsoft's tools, we wouldn't be able to use it as a selling point in and of itself.
Mike Saltzman"] You are suggesting that Infragistics re-document the entire DotNet Framework because Microsoft documentation of the framework is not good enough? I think that's a bit outside the grasp of our available resources. :)
Well, not necessarily ALL of it... On the other hand, think of what a great selling point that would be for your software! People would buy it just to get decent documentation.
Seriously though, In cases like this one, it would be just plain considerate to provide something as simple as a table of all the string formatting options since MS, for whatever insane reason, apparently couldn't do it.