when I open a form or a user control with a NetAdvantage control on it, VS attempts to check out all the related files (xxx.cs, xxx.resx, xxx.Designer.cs, xxx.GeneratedCode.cs). When these files are checked out by another person, the Designer will fail to open the form or user control.
Is there any way to circumvent this behaviour? Currently I am not even able to just look at a form when one of the files can't be checked out by me.
I see this problem as well. For some forms, it will check out the form, designer, and resx ever time I open it. This is doubly troubling because the designer is not the most stable, and tends to crash, often dropping my grid definitions or some other important item. When this happens, it is hard to know if there is a legitimate change, or if opening the form caused the checkout.
I noticed that it also renames the controls in the designer quite a bit, so maybe those two are related.
mislicensing said: [...] For some forms, it will check out the form, designer, and resx ever time I open it. [...] When this happens, it is hard to know if there is a legitimate change, or if opening the form caused the checkout.
[...] For some forms, it will check out the form, designer, and resx ever time I open it. [...] When this happens, it is hard to know if there is a legitimate change, or if opening the form caused the checkout.
We experience exactly the same problem. Fixing this issue would do us a great favour!
mislicensing said: I noticed that it also renames the controls in the designer quite a bit, so maybe those two are related.
As far as we could observe, renaming affects mostly "helper objects" as Appearances, UltraGridColumns, UltraGridBands etc., which are used to initialize controls.
In addition we observe, that line order has changed and that sometimes ressource strings are arbitrarily assigned to string properties. For example the latter is the case for UltraNumericEditor.FormatString, when no FormatString is assigned.
All these things make it difficult to seperate intended changes by the developer from random changes by the designer code generator.
Hope you (Infragistics) can address this behaviour.
Hello Mislicensing,
I have been able to reproduce it now. I wasn't using a real dataset in a design time, and that's why it worked correctly for me.
I would like to let you know that bases on our product life cycle the fix will be included only in NetAdvantage for WinForms 2011 vol1 and up:
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any other assistance with this matter.
This has been logged as Development ID 99463 by Infra support. Nothing special has to happen to see this. Create a dataset, bind a grid to it, then do development. I also normally hide some grid fields and reorder them in the designer, but I don't know if that is required to see this.
VS 2010 NetAdvange <= 10.3....2145
Hello Ehaisiuc,
I have tried to reproduce this with UltraGrid and UltraCombo controls unsuccessfully.
For my tests I was using VS 2010 and NetAdvnatage for WinForms 2011 vol2. Could you please provide me more details what exactly environment you are using and which is the NetAdvantage version of the controls used in your application?
Are there any specific steps that I would have to perform in order to rerpoduce this incorrect behavior ?
I second it. Every time I open a grid or combo designer the appearances, bands, columns are changing, even if I press the designer's cancel button. Like Roman above said it's not really easy to see if you actually modified something or not.