I am wondering when the Windows 7/Office 2010 ribbon look will be available? I want to make my application look more integrated on Windows 7.
Any official word on this yet? The Office 2010 File Menu in particular looks great.
Because Office 2010 is not yet released, we cannot yet develop this kind of ribbon as it may change in the release version. As for the Windows 7 scenic ribbon, I cannot say when it will be developed, but the number of requests for a particular feature does play a part in what gets implemented for each release. I have forwarded this post to the Developer Support Manager to create a feature request on your behalf.
I've submitted feature requests for those who have already posted to this thread.
For a Windows 7 ribbon, I've submitted FR12083 for Herbert (hfann).
For an Office 2010 ribbon, I've submitted FR12084 for Herbert (hfann) and FR12085 for nathan_berry.
For anyone else who is interested in seeing similar new options in a future version of the NetAdvantage for .NET toolset, you can submit a feature request here. Remember, the number of requests we receive for a given feature is one of the tools we use to prioritize what functionaltiy goes in to a given release.
This is extremely disappointing !!
Office 2010 look ribbon and the Windows 7 Ribbon (in paint and WordPad) is already out !! - we desperately need this as we are releasing a major version of our software this year and expect that Infragistics are up to date - as you always claim to be - we are unable to even ascertain if you are developing this feature.....if not we will be forced to move to another vendor(s) who already support this such as Professional UI solutions - the one reason we have been using Infragistics for the last 8 years as they are always up to date - but it now appears things like Icons and WPF/ (which has a poor uptake) are more import rather than what the mainstream users require.
Office 2010 has not been released yet. We cannot add support for the Office 2010 ribbon until it is released or guidelines for the final version are released. When Office 2007 was being developed, there were a few items in the guidelines for the beta which were then contradicted in the guidelines for the release. We cannot risk implementing features to match a beta implementation, release our product, and then change the ribbon again to match the release implementation. This may cause breaking changes for our customers.
As for the Windows 7 Scenic ribbon. We are currently researching this feature. I cannot give specifics, but I believe this will be included in the near future.
Thanks, do you expect that the Office 2010 ribbon will be long after the Office 2010 RTM ?
Would I be right in saying that the it will be c.6 months after the Office RTM, just thinking this - as from your comment re the the Windows 7 Scenic ribbon is likley to be around 6 months after Windows 7, was released ? - I am just trying to get some idea on deliverables so we can take a position on sticking with Infragistics or should we move onto another vendor ?
Finally - in the mean time any word on the 2007 Ribbon bug where the Ribbon height is wrong ?
Sorry to be pushy - it just that our customers are always looking for dates on our new releases - and they too expect the latest / current technologies when they hit the market.
Being that I am on the development side, I do not determine what features get implemented, so I can't say when the Office 2010 Ribbon will be released relative to the Office 2010 RTM. I would recommend submitting a feature request for this because the number of requests does play a factor in what features get implemented in each release.
The Ribbon height bug (TFS24886) was fixed on 1/6/10 and the fix will be included in the next SR for 9.1 and 9.2. I believe that SR is scheduled to be released in early February.
Is there any update on when the Office 2010 ribbon will be available in Infragstics win forms controls?
Charles Gamble.