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UltraNavigationBar how to set value

How do we set values into the navigationbar? Is the only way to do this is through

ultraNavigationBar.SelectedLocation = ultraNavigationBar.FromFullPath(path);

Also from the FromFullPath .. is it possible to pass in a key path? instead of a name path?


  • 69832
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    I'm not sure what context the word "values" is to be taken in here. Each node in the location hierarchy is represented by an UltraNavigationBarLocation instance; this class exposes a Key, Text, and DisplayText property, each of which factors into what is displayed for that location. The SelectedLocation property can be set to any UltraNavigationBarLocation instance that belongs to one of the Locations collections under the root location; FromFullPath returns an UltraNavigationBarLocation instance, so that is one way to set the SelectionLocation property. Another is by using the NavigateTo method, which is basically just a different way of doing the same thing you are doing here.

    FromFullPath factors in the Key of a location when it searches, but if the Text property is set, it will use that instead. If DisplayText is set, it will use that as well, in the case where the Key or Text does not match. If any of this is unclear lease repost and we can try to help.

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