Dear support team and usersI know, this kind of question has already been discussed several times but I'm wondering if there is something new?
I would like to enable row selecting by typing some of the first letters of the value I'm looking after in the currently sorted column of a read-only grid.
Shouldn't this behavior be a standard feature? Do I really have to implement this by myself? The "Extended Matching" example, found in the grid example browser, does exactly what I need.
We're using the newest version of NetAdvantage for Win Forms.
Thank you for any hints!
Jonas Walti
Hi Jonas,
It sounds like you might want to try using the FilterRow. You can turn this on by setting the FilterUIType property on the Override. This will enable the filter row where your users can type into a cell at the top of a column and filter based on what they typed.
If you want more of a search function that works like a tree control such as Windows Explorer does, then there is nothing like that built-into the grid. But there's a sample of how to do it here: HOWTO:How can I make UltraWinGrid allow keyboard searching?
The second thing (the Explorer behavior) is what I search. The linked tutorial seems to be pretty old. But I took a look at the "Extended Matching" example's sourcecode provided with the WinGrid examples. This should help me a lot.
Nevertheless, wouldn't this be a nice built-in feature?