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Hand Cursor on URL FormattedLinkEditor not showing up?


I'm wondering what property might make the cursor NOT change to a hand when hovering over a URL in an UltraGrid... the grid is setup as follows:  

Me.ugPhones.DataSource = New List(Of PhoneRow)

ugPhones.Rows.Band.Columns("PhoneNumber").Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.URL

formattedLinkEditor = DirectCast(Me.ugPhones.Rows.Band.Columns("PhoneNumber").Editor, FormattedLinkEditor)

AddHandler formattedLinkEditor.LinkClicked, AddressOf formattedLinkEditor_LinkClicked

This makes it so the text in the column is correctly formatted as a URL and the click event of the URL is handled... and in a small test app the cursor correctly changes to a hand when hovering over the URL, but in another app, it does not.  I've so far been unable to find any code differences that might change the grid so that the cursor wouldn't change to the hand.


Any ideas for me to look for? 


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