Im using a DataSet (that stores an OracleDB-Table) as DataSource for my UltraGrid. The last column of that DataSet is of type CHAR. Value can be 'Y' or 'N', meaning yes or no, resp. true or false.
I can't change the datatype of that column to boolean, it must be char or string.
So in my UltraGrid this column is of type System.String and i can't change that because its a bound column. But I managed to change the "Style"-Property to "CheckBox". Thats what I want, but now I have to associate the values. 'N' should be interpreted as false (unchecked), 'Y' as true (checked). How can I do that?
Excuse my english, hope u understand my problem!
There is a KB article that accomplishes exactly what you're trying to do through the use of a DataFilter:
HOWTO:Use a WinGrid DataFilter to convert strings to bools (and vice-versa) for a checkbox column
Thank you very much! Works great