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Upgrade Infragist from 8.2 to 9.1


I am currently doing some upgrade job of Infragistic for our project. We are going to use infragsit 9.1 in the further. However, when I updated Infragistic version (for winform) to 9.1, I found ultragrid did not display as it should be. See the screenshot below:

 There is a grey line at left side which connect two row. This grey line was not there when using 8.2.  It used to be like this:

We binded the ultragrid.DataSource to our own DataList which implement IBindingList interface.

Is there any changes in 9.1 compare to 8.2 may course this problem?

Many thanks,


  • 3565
    Suggested Answer

    Sounds like your preferences were somehow changed to not show the start button on your wingrids. Right click on a grid and go to the designer. Then click on the preferences button and click the show start button checkbox.

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