I just installed hotfix 9.1.20091.2039 and ran the upgrade wizard on a project I'm currently working on. All my references look good and everything is pointing at the new 2039 build. Unfortunately now I can only open one of my forms and all the rest I'm getting a designer error that states the following: Unable to cast object of type 'Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo' to type 'Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid'. I looked at the line in the designer code that it is complaining about and that line is simply adding a control as a child of another control and doesn't seem to have anything do with casting. I'm assuming the error message may be saying one thing when something else is really causing the problem.
I had a similar problem last time I installed the hotfix and I kept playing around with it until the problem went away for some unknown reason.
My current hypothesis is that the error I'm getting is coming from deeper in the designer code. I found that I can open some of my other forms without a problem. The one thing that all of my forms that will not open have in common is that I am using a panel set to fill on the form with auto scroll turned and then I have sets of group controls inside the panel. I don't know if that means anything but it all I have to go on at the moment.
I had the idea of removing the reference to the wingird 2039 and change it back to 2029 to see what would happen, but it appears the 2039 hotfix install removed the 2029 build all together. I decided to not try and fight this battle right now and go back to build 2029. Unfortunately the 2020 hotfix install bombs when I try to run it. I was trying to be optimistic that reinstalling build 2029 would work, but I guess my pessimism was justified. Oh how sweet it is.... I can hear Murphy out there laughing at me right now.
I just so happen to have Ultracombos with ExtendLastColumn on my forms. So do I get extra points for find a bug? Just kidding...
This issue just popped up internally, so I can confirm that it's a bug, assuming that you have an UltraCombo with ExtendLastColumn set as the AutoFitStyle. It has been addressed and will be released in the next service release that we can get it into.
I hadn't made any code changes before applying the hotfix. I didn't have a chance to change anything because I couldn't pull up most of my forms in the designer anymore. I just now uninstalled V9.1 and then reinstalled applying the 2029 hotfix again and everything worked again.
I really had no compelling reason to apply the latest hotfix other than my bleeding edge tendencies and trying to be proactive. I'm kicking myself now for blowing 3 hours trying to get this to work. I didn't know about the clearning the licenses file trick. I'll have to keep that in my back pocket for next time. Oh well. Thanks for the suggestion.
Usually with version-related issues like this, the problem is because Visual Studio is trying to resolve multiple versions of the same assembly. Is the designer code that was generated otherwise unchanged from before you installed the hotfix? What has worked for me in the past is to clear the contents of the licenses.licx file and to delete the bin/obj directories.
If this doesn't work, please post the call stack so that we can have a better idea of what's going on.