I have a wingrid with parent bands and child bands. The user would like to add in functionality so that when she clicks on one particular cell ("Supplier") in the parent band, a new form or pop-up would open with that particular supplier's details (address, phone number, etc.). This information comes from a lookup table and the "supplierid" number from that table is what is used on the main record
I'm sure that the answer is somewhere on this forum already, but I don't think I'm searching correctly!
Thanks in advance for your help!
I'm not entirely sure which part of this you are asking about. You could use the ClickCell event (which I think was added in 8.3) to determine when the user clicks on a cell, then get the value of that cell (or another) in this event:
private void ultraGrid1_ClickCell(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ClickCellEventArgs e){ if (e.Cell.Column.Key == "Supplier") { object supplierID = e.Cell.Row.Cells["supplierid"].Value; // Show form }}
Hi Matt,
I guess I'm looking for design advice on what is the best way to give the user the functionality she wants. Should I do this as a new form or is there some way to make a pop-up. How would I get started with it?