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Quantity cell has different decimal places in different rows

What I want to do: Each row is a different item which has a different decimal place on the quantity value.  On row initialize I want to set that row's quantity cell to be a particular number of decimal places."QTYToTransfer"].Editor = theEditor;



  • 290
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    private void mBOM50206UG_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeRowEventArgs e)
                //Create the Settings Object:
                DefaultEditorOwnerSettings theSettings = new DefaultEditorOwnerSettings();

                //as well as the Editor Owner:
                DefaultEditorOwner theOwner = new DefaultEditorOwner(theSettings);

                EmbeddableEditorBase theEditor = null;

                object theValue = e.Row.Cells["QTYToTransfer"].Value;

                //Create an appropriate editor based on the
                //Value's Data Type:
                if (theValue is decimal)
                    theSettings.DataType = typeof(decimal);
                    //theSettings.Format = "n2";
                    theSettings.MaskInput = "nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn.nnnnn";
                    theEditor = new EditorWithMask(theOwner);

                //Assign it to the Cell.Editor
                e.Row.Cells["QTYToTransfer"].Editor = theEditor;


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