i have a problem of transforming my ordinary grid display into a custom view. Is there a way to do that, I was thinking of cardview and group by, but i m not sure how to achieve what i want.
refer to attachment, top grid is ordinary view, bottom is the one that i wanted to transform to. please help. thanks
It looks like you could do this using RowLayouts. Go into the grid designer and go to the Column Arrangenent Overview for the band. You can choose to use a RowLayout and then design the layout you want for the for.
You might need to add some unbound column for the sub-totals. And depending on what version of the grid you are using you can either use groups or some columns with no cells for the extra headers.
i'm not sure how to do that ? by looking at the excel I attached in the 1st post, it actually transformed data (office) in a row become a new column, and expanding to the right as more rows occurred. So, for ie. i got 6 rows with office1, office2, office3....office6. all those rows data will be transformed into a column and keep expanding to the grid.
Generally, I m doing a Pivot (matrix) table, which is for statistic analysis for column, row and data.
all the rows in the band have the same structure, just that i need to group/pivot the distinct content of all the rows in certain columns to become a new column on the grid. like from my example, i turned the sales office column into a new column of itself to represent a distinct data in the rows.
I tried RowLayouts, but it's not possible to achieve the result to turn rows into columns. i will try to recreate a new datasource from the original to plot all the columns that i wanted to display by looping the rows and create a columns for them, but that need lots of manual comparison works.
Well, the WinGrid can't do a pivot on your data. You would have to create a data source that has the data in a structure you want and bind it to the grid. You cannot have a variable number of columns in a row, either. All of the rows in the band have to have the same structure.
It's hard for me to be more specific, since I don't really know exactly what you are trying to do or what your requirement are. Have you tried going into the grid designer and experimenting with RowLayouts?