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Column Value List not picking up values

Has anyone had any issues using Values Lists at the column level?

I have created the following ValueLists

lsAssetClass = (from a in DataBaseManager.Core.AssetClassselect a).ToList<AssetClass>(); //creates a list of LINQ objects


vAssetClass = lsAssetClass.ToValueList(

"AssetClassDesc", "AssetClassCode");

//Custom extension method used to create a value list

lsPortSubCat = (from pcat in DataBaseManager.Core.PortfolioSubCategory select pcat).ToList<PortfolioSubCategory>();

vPortSubCat = lsPortSubCat.ToValueList(

"PortSubCategoryDesc", "PortSubCategoryCode");

//Then I'm setting the ValueList properties of each column on the Initialize Layout event



"AssetClassDesc"].ValueList = ValueLists.vAssetClass;




"PortfolioCategoryDesc"].ValueList = ValueLists.vPortSubCat;

//Everything works fine except for when I try to access the values in the lists




asset = (string)dgSecuritySetup.Rows[0].Cells["AssetClassDesc"].Value;


string port = (string)dgSecuritySetup.Rows[0].Cells["PortSubCategoryDesc"].Value;

/*The issue is that "asset" ends up being the correct  value (i.e If I see "Equity" on the grid, I get its code ("EQ") when I access the cell value, as expected. When I try to do the same for "port" I always get back the displayed text rather than the corresponding value in the value list (i.e I get "Long-Spec" when I should get "LNGSPEC"). I double checked to make sure the Value List was still set when I tried to access the cell value (which it was) and I double checked the ValueList to make sure the display text/data values were set up correctly (which they are, "Long-Spec" maps to "LNGSPEC") */

The UltraGrid is using row layouts and each column style is DropDownList.

Any ideas? This seems like a bug.....