A couple of UltraGridRowEditTemplate qusstions:
1. Can I toggle template usage on and off using a button, similar to what I can do with cardview?2. Can I set a fixed location for a template within the grid using something like:
this.ret.Anchor... this.ret.Location...
Thank you.
1) The easiest way to do this is to toggle between setting the RowEditTemplate property to null or to the instance of your template, i.e.:
UltraGridBand band = this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0];if (band.RowEditTemplate == null) band.RowEditTemplate = this.ultraGridRowEditTemplate1;else band.RowEditTemplate = null;
2) There's not really a way to fix the location of the template, per se, but you could certainly handle the BeforeRowEditTemplateDisplayed event and set e.Location to a point of your choosing; just keep in mind that this point is in screen coordinates.
The toggle worked perfectly.
Having a problem with the e.location syntax. I've tried a few variations of e.location.X and e.Location.Y but getting syntax errors. I'm in the BeforeRowEditTemplate event.
Any suggestions?