I have a grid in OutlookGroupBy mode as depicted in the attached screenshot. I would like to change the text (and maybe appearance as well) of the grand summary, can you tell me how to proceed?
Thank you.
I don't see a Grand Total summary in this screen shot.
There are summaries at the bottom of the island and there are summaries in the GroupByRow.
To which summary are you referring?
For the summary cells at the bottom, you would probably want to use the SummarySetting.Appearance.You can get the SummarySettings from the Summaries collection on the band.
For the summaries in the GroupByRow, the way you have it set up here, the summaries are just displayed as part of the summary description. They are just text, so there's no way to apply an appearance to them specifically. You could change the GroupByRowSummaryDisplayStyle so that the summaries in the GroupByRow are cells that align with the columns and then apply appearances to them, if that's what you want.
If you click on the image and open it up in a new window, you will see the two summaries that I am referring to.