I'm using WinChart 9.1 and want to display a NumericTimeSeries with the date-value on the x-axis and the amount on y-axis. Everything is fine, but after 15 columns the chart ends on the x-axis and no bigger values are displayed.
Thanks a lot,
The chart shouldn't normally have any trouble displaying a large amount of data. Perhaps something is preventing it from doing so. Here's a few things you can check:if you have more than one series, make sure that each series has an equal amount of points. Otherwise, you have to use a composite chart.Make sure that you're not setting a range on the X axis. Check chart.Axis.X.RangeMin/RangeMax/RangeType properties
As a sanity check try this code and see if it works:
DataTable dt = new DataTable();dt.Columns.Add("date", typeof(DateTime));dt.Columns.Add("value", typeof(double));dt.Columns.Add("label", typeof(string));
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++){ dt.Rows.Add(DateTime.Now.AddDays(i), i, "label " + i);}
NumericTimeSeries series = new NumericTimeSeries();series.Data.DataSource = dt;series.Data.TimeValueColumn = "date";series.Data.LabelColumn = "label";series.Data.ValueColumn = "value";series.DataBind();
ultraChart1.ChartType = ChartType.LineChart;ultraChart1.LineChart.TreatDateTimeAsString = false;ultraChart1.Series.Add(series);
Hi Max,
sorry, didn't saw your post :-). I still got the same issue. If I just change the Chart-type to StepLineChart, the X-scale is correct?!?!? What is it?
I changed nothing on the axis-properties as you suggested in your post!
thanks a lot. It was the proeprty "TreatDateTimeAsString". After I set it to false, everything worked fine!
Here's a sample project that loads the grid rows into a NumericTimeSeries. The series displays 100 points. See if you get the same behavior on your machine.
ok, lets try this. I've got a method which adds all series and points as follows:
chartControl.Series.Clear(); NumericTimeSeries ntsValues = null;List<NumericTimeSeries> lstAKBM = new List<NumericTimeSeries>();bool blnFound;foreach (UltraGridRow rowParent in grdAKBM.Rows){ foreach (UltraGridRow rowChild in rowParent.ChildBands[0].Rows) { blnFound = false; string strLabel = rowChild.GetCellValue("COL_CATEGORY").ToString(); DateTime dtmThis = DateTime.Parse(rowParent.GetCellValue("COL_DATE").ToString()); double dblAmount = double.Parse(rowChild.GetCellValue("COL_AMOUNT").ToString()); foreach (NumericTimeSeries ntsFind in lstAKBM) { if (ntsFind.Key.Equals(strLabel)) { blnFound = true; ntsValues = ntsFind; break; } } if (!blnFound) { ntsValues = new NumericTimeSeries(); ntsValues.Key = strLabel; ntsValues.Label = strLabel; } ntsValues.Points.Add(new NumericTimeDataPoint(dtmThis, dblAmount, dtmThis.ToShortDateString(), false)); if (!blnFound) { chartControl.Series.Add(ntsValues); lstAKBM.Add(ntsValues); } }}
It's a little bit tricky because it gets the data out of a grid, but anyway. The keypoint is, that the Series-property of the chart containst all series (which are displayed in the chart) and each series got 100 points. The chart displays only 15 points.
If none of my previous suggestions help, you can post your code (or the sample project) here and I'll take a look at it.