I am trying to use UltraMDITabWorkspace in SCSF 2007 May VS 200.First of all when its dropped on Shell in desing mode, it gets displayed in toollist but not on the shell itself unlike CAB TabWorkspac, which has option to dock as well.
Secondly when I try add view to it, app throws exception with message "Is not MDIh container".Any thoughts?
Your first issue is probably due to the fact that UltraMDITabWorkspace applies to a component and not a control. This would be similar to adding an UltraTabControl and an UltraTabbedMdiManager to a Form without CAB. The tab control will be seen on the design surface, but the tabbed mdi manager will only be seen in the component tray.
Your second issue is caused by the fact that the Form does not have IsMdiContainer set to True.
I have UserControl to which I am trying to put UltraMDITabWorkspace. This way I can add multiple views in to MDI Tabbed workspace using
Where View1 and view2 are views
I saw similar samples in NCEK kit but not clear how this control is being used. Can you throw some light on this?