Hi Klemens,
It sounds like what you need to do is select all of the text in the field. I would try handling the Enter event of the control(s) and calling the SelectAll method to select all of the text. Or if there is no SelectAll method, set SelectionStart and SelectionLength.
I am struggling with this same date overwrite problem myself, the question I have is: why having spent all this money, do my new Infragistics controls work worse than the free MS one? Sure, I can override everything and fix it, but that is a pain. Selecting the text is not the answer really. If my insert point is at the start of "2005" and I type "2008" I expect something sensible, not nothing at all. Surely this is because you have a simple masked edit field and not a proper date time control !
It seems to me that Infragistics are guilty of chasing headline features, and not addressing some basic deficencies. Others include no support for dddd dd/mm/yyyy style formats, and listviews that don't select items on right click. These are small things, but ones that MS has put right over the years, and I would have expected you to at least provided a switch to enable this sort of functionality. I am rapdily ending up subclassing all my controls to fix these problems.
4/10 must try harder.
I have a similar problem, when overriding the Enter event, I do a selectall(), it works fine for Tabbing, but I need to select all the text when clicking once in the field? Doesn't work. Any ideas?