I'm having a problem on catching mouse down event. I put a break point on hit but nothing happens. My app never past by it. What's missing? Do i have to change some property?
I need to use mouse down, mouse move, drag over and drag drop events, but i putt a breakpoint on each one and tha app don't stop on them.
Any help?
It is very difficult to troubleshoot something like this without more details. One possibility is that you have defined the event handler but the code that registers as a listener got inadvertantly removed. You can start by searching for "MouseDown +=" and see if you get a hit; if you don't that is the problem; if you do, put a breakpoint on that line and verify that the code path getting executed. Or, if you are able, attach a simple sample and we can take a look.
I've got a control that has a DataGridView. I've got the Double-Click event on DataGrid working but the other events that i've mentioned don't work. This control is inside a form.
The "MouseDown +=" is there. The problem should be other but i can´t figure it out.