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Manually created band not shown


this is probably a newbie question but I'm working on my first project using Infragistics and the Ultragrid.

I'm using a BindingSource populated with one DataTable as the DataSource to the grid. Because the DataTable is programatically created by a webservice, it's not available at design time. Therefore I've created the grid data schema manually leaving me with one band containing columns. The Key of each column corresponds to a column in the DataTable and I've changed the header captions, etc. Some columns I have deliberately left out of my schema.

But, when I launch the app and the grid is databound it shows the columns from the DataTable without all the changes I made to the band columns I created manually.

How can I force the grid to use the manually created band schema? The problem is similar to the default .NET gridview where you have to set AutogenerateColumns = false when you want to manually define the columns and values to show.


No Data
  • 150

    Nevermind, I figured this out and answer myself.

    The problem was that my band Key did not match the DataTable name. Columns you want to hide must be mapped as well and then set Hidden, otherwise they will show upp in the grid.

    My next question is about changing the default text of the Grouping row above the column headers. It now says something like "Drag a column header here...". How can you change this?
