I have a composite chart with both line and column chart in it. I also have lineImage annotations added to the chart.
I would like to know if there is an event that will fire up when I hover one of these annotations
Thanks for your help in advance
there is not. however, if you use the FillSceneGraph event, you can overlay Box primitives over the ChartImage primitives, and make the Box primitives raise the ChartDataClicked event.
private void ultraChart1_FillSceneGraph(object sender, FillSceneGraphEventArgs e) { PrimitiveCollection primitivesToAdd = new PrimitiveCollection(); foreach (Primitive p in e.SceneGraph) { ChartImage img = p as ChartImage; if (img != null) { Box clickableBox = new Box(img.bounds); clickableBox.Row = clickableBox.Column = 0; clickableBox.Layer = e.ChartCore.GetChartLayer(); clickableBox.Caps = PCaps.HitTest; clickableBox.Chart = this.ultraChart1.ChartType; primitivesToAdd.Add(clickableBox); } } e.SceneGraph.AddRange(primitivesToAdd.ToArray()); }
Thank for your reply, but this is for a mouse click, is there anything for mouse hover over...?