In design time the ultra gird will show "text" like the picture below as the cell value. If is possible to do the same thing in run time?
Thanks and Regards,Stephen
Hi Steven,
The "Text" you see here is just fake data to give you an idea of what the grid will look like. The grid will actually show different things in each cell based on the data type of that cell.
At run-time, the cell shows the actual value from the data source the grid is bound to. So you would have to set up your data source with the data you want in it.
Your question seems to strange to me, though, that I think perhaps I must not understand what you are really asking.
Hi Mike
Thanks for your reply. Sorry I have not explain thing clear in the first place.
Here is more information about my question
I have an application that has two mode A mode and B mode
in A mode I will allow user to create new user control which contain ultra grid for displaying the contain of database (binding is done when application enter B mode.
when I switch B mode the grid will display the database contain it is bind to.
The problem I have is when I first create the user control, in the ultra grid i can see the sample text "Text" and the row selector on the left, but after I leave A mode and re-enter A mode for the second time, the "Text" and row selector on the left is gone ( I think I cannot see the row selector for the second time is due to there is no data in the grid).
So is it possible to see the "Text" every time I re-enter A mode ?
Thanks for your help