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I have two problem with excel exporter function.  I have a grid with dynamic columns, and i added an unboud column at the end and set a formula to sum values of all columns. Below is the sample code i use for formula of an ubound column named "Total Amt".  (Yes you are seeing question marks, thats how i have in the column name coming from a sql stored procedure.)

At  InitializeLayout, i wrote:

AmountSpentFormula =  "[Tea Tour?9299?9298] + [Meeting?9154?9290] + [Reception?7503?9285] + [BBQ?9179?9258] + [Tea Tour?9299?9304] + [Tea Tour?9226?9310] + [Tea Tour?9226?9311] + [Breakfast?9206?9312] + 0"

e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["TotalAmt"].Formula = AmountSpentFormula; 


 When i see the result in the grid, all are fine, total amt is showing and calculating fine as expected.

But, when i export to excel using the following line, the app freezes.

   ultraGridExcelExporter.Export(ultraGrid1, "c:\\temp\\griddata.xls");


Note: When i comment the formual line from IntiliazeLayout event, grid shows fine w/o the total sum and export to excel works fine.


Please Help.


Also on the side note

How can i export the excel file to an user accessible folder / location, right now i use "c:\temp\griddata.xls" but not everyone have access to it when i publish this windows app.






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    What version of the grid are you using? Do you have the latest service release?

    Bala said:
    How can i export the excel file to an user accessible folder / location, right now i use "c:\temp\griddata.xls" but not everyone have access to it when i publish this windows app.

    I am not really sure what you are asking here. This seems like it would be better answered by Microsoft's documentation of you are having problems with folder security. Neither the grid nor the ExcelExporter have any control over that.



