We recently upgraded to Infragistics 9.2 from version 8.2. After upgrade we run into strange behavior where edit buttons in grid columns get disappered.
Here is code snippet in Initializelayout event
with myGrid.DisplayLayout
"ItemKey").ButtonDisplayStyle = UltraWinGrid.ButtonDisplayStyle.OnCellActivate
"ItemKey").Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.EditButton
.Bands(0).Columns("ItemKey").Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.EditButton
"ItemKey").EditorControl = myEditor
here myEditor is an editor control we created using ultracombo editor control.
In 8.2 version grid would show editor button whenever user sets focus on cell. But in version 9.2 editor button disapprers. Is this a bug in 9.2?
thanks in advance,
Did you ever find a resolution this problem? We just upgraded and we're seeing the same behavior. Everything seems to be set properly when you look at the properties at runtime, so I'm not sure what to try.
I've never seen this behavior. As far as I know, editor buttons are working fine in v9.2.
My first recommendation is that you get the latest service release.
How to get the latest service release - Infragistics Community
If that does not help, can you post a small sample project demonstrating the button not showing up?