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How to hide one of two splitter bars?

This is tough to explain but bear with me.  I am writing an application that I would like to look very much like Visual Studio:

  • Property pages on the bottom left -- easy with UltraDockManager, Dockable area of type TabGroup, etc.
  • 0 to N MDI Child forms "captured" as tabs in the bottom right - easy with UltraTabbedMdiManager.
  • At the top, I would like a "static" detail section.  It should not be able to be docked, pinned, SIZED, float, etc.  In the picture above, I have made the SplitterBar appearance Red.  I have the detail section sitting in a Dockable area of type TabGroup docked horizontally to the top.  I've turned off all pinning, captions, etc.  How do I get rid of the horizontal SplitterBar (left to right) at the top yet retain the vertical (top to bottom) SplitterBar?

Should I be using a different control?  I need to have my MDI children on the bottom right.  I need my tabbed property pages to be AutoHide, floating, etc. 

Clear as mud huh?


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