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Grid Sort Indicator

Here is my situation.

In the ultragrid implementation we have written, we have the HeaderClickAction set to SortMulti so that the user can sort by multiple columns.  This works great.  However, customers have reported to us the need to be able to visually see the sort hierarchy.  In other words, if the user sorted first by column A, then B, then C, there is no way visually to see the sorting is done in that order based upon the sort indicators.

The only solution I see to this is to implement a creation filter that prevents the stock sort indicator from being created and implement my own indicator in it's place.  But before I go down this road I thought it worth asking if anyone else has implemented a solution to this problem (or if maybe there is something native in the component that would accomplish what I'm trying to do).

It seems like anyone who has SortMulti turned on would have run into this situation before.

Thanks in advance


Chris Rowland

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    Hi Chris,

    There's nothing built-in to the grid to show this, although it's a good idea, and I encourage you to Submit a feature request to Infragistics.

    Rather than a CreationFilter, perhaps it would be simpler to use a DrawFilter an simply draw a number over the existing sort indicator to indicate the order. I've seen other applications that do it like that and this would be simpler than a CreationFilter, I think.

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