Hi All..
Please help me. I'm really frustration about my problem. I'm building one application which is there is one function in that application can upload excel into DB.
My problem is when i upload the excel sheet into ultra grid and bind it, there is some data missing. Missing means i cant see the data of few column in ultra grid.
When I'm using MS.Excel 2003 in my PC, there is no issue like this but when i installed MS.Excel 2007, I've got problem like what I'm describing above. The excel sheet which i use is *.xls .
Here below my connection string:
return new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" + "Data Source=" + fileName + "; Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES;IMEX=1\"");
Anyone, please help me.
Thanks a lot for your kinda helping.
There's not much here to go on. How are you getting the data from Excel? Can you access the "missing" data in code? What are you doing with the data? What structure or object are you using as the grid's DataSource?
Hi Mike,
Thx for your reply. I'm getting the data using DataReader to read excel and using DataAdapter to bind it into DataSet. From DataSet then i upload the data into database.
I Can't access the "missing" data in code.
Well, if the data is not accessible in code, then something is wrong with the process of how you are getting it and this isn't related to the grid.
Unfortunately, I'm no expert on the DataReader, so I'm not sure what's going on there. Perhaps you should post your question in a more general DotNet programming forum. You might get a better response.