I have a ultratoolbar.I want to open a Help File on the toolbar click.In normal windows control we have a property called "HelpKeyword On HelpProvider1" where we specify the keywords in the help file.Thus our windows control get associated with that help file.
But no such property exists in Infragistics.So how can we bind windows Help Provider With infragistics or is there any other way in Infragistics to open a help file?
Is there any update regarding my query?
I looked into it briefly. I think you could implement this manually on tools which are not on drop downs or floating toolbars. You would have to hook the HelpRequested event for each UltraToolbarsDockArea on your Form. When the event gets fired, convert the clicked point to screen coordinates (if that point gets passed in client coordinates) and pass it into the UltraToolbarsManager.ToolFromPoint method. If a tool is returned, get the help keyword you want to associate with it and call one of the Help.ShowHelp static methods and set Handled property on the event args to True.
If this is not sufficient, this would have to be implemented as a feature request. Let me know if this is the case and I will forward this post to the DS manager to create a request on your behalf.