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Tooltips appearing randomly

Hi all,

I have a number of grids in my application where we are adding a column at runtime to contain a button which when clicked will open up another form of some sort.  Each of those buttons has an icon, and a tooltip associated with it to let the user know it's functionality.  The problem is that the tooltips seem to pop up while the mouse pointer is at random points around the screen and not just when they should.  It's also a very irratic behavior, meaning that sometimes it happens, and sometimes it doesn't, which of course is making it very hard to track down and recreate.

Wondering if anyone else has run into this problem?  I have included a code sample to show how we are triggering the tooltips, as well as a screen image to show the problem.

Thanks in advance!

 private void grdItemization_MouseEnterElement(object sender, UIElementEventArgs e)
            if (!(e.Element is CellUIElement))

            if (((Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.CellUIElementBase)(e.Element)).Column.Key.ToLower() == "delete")
                ShowTooltip(e, "Delete Row");

private void grdItemization_MouseLeaveElement(object sender, UIElementEventArgs e)

  • 195
    Offline posted

    I am having a similar issue with custom tooltips being added to the ultragrid column headers.  The tooltips are supposed to appear simply when hovering the column captions, but sometimes the tooltip appears out of context in the grid outside of the column headers completely.

    Additionally, I have an issue where the tooltips from the grid and from the infragistics toolbar buttons are not clearing when launching a dialog when the toolbar button is clicked.  Has anyone seen this behavior before and if so, how did was it resolved?  Thanks.

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