Hello All,
after reading a lot of posts here I decided to make my own Pivot-Grid based on UltraWinGrid. I read about a lot approaches here, but all of them seemed to be a bit complicated for me.
My approach is quite simple. My PivotGrid is a UserControl containing 2 UltraWinGrids. The right grid is used to display the column-header and the data-cells. The left grid is just used to display the row-header, thats it...
The grid supports nesting in both, column- and row-header.
If someone need the source-code just contact me.... (http://www.modulacht.de)
Regards,Robin Saberi
Hello, I would also like a sample of this code if it is still available. Thank you.
Can someone please send me the sample code at imadiamond2016@gmail.com as I need that exact feature in my project very-2 urgently.