I am astonished, we cannot find a simple way to import a workbook or a worksheet into a wingrid. we are working with 2007.3 but we cannot find a way to simple import as we can easily export to excel.
Is it not implemented? do we have to manually import the worksheet data cell by cell???
please, advise
There is nothing built-in to the grid to do this. This is really not the grid's purview. The grid has no way to interpret an Excel sheet as data. What you would need to do is load the data from your Excel sheet into some data source that the grid can use, like a DataSet, IList, or IBindingList.
well, that is not what you advertised!
Please, check your 2007.3 brochure, it explicitely says:
"Our grids provide developers with the power and flexibility necessary to create compelling data display and entry applications in both Windows Forms and Web environments."
Additionally, I remember some pics in the what's new documents with nice arrows telling that it was possible to import excel into the grid capturing everything, not only the data.
What shall we do now? do the work you claimed was in the release or you kindly send us a patch with it built in?
This is not serious at all!