Right now I have an ultragrid set to AutoFitStyle=ExtendLastColumn. However, I have a column called LogText that is really the meat of what people need to see. What I end up with is a really large Last Column and a really small LogText when it loads. I can't autoresize the LogText because it has too much data, but want to display as much of it as possible when the grid loads.
Is there anyway to perform the autofit function on another column other than the last one?
What you do is set the AutoFitStyle to ResizeAllColumns. Then you set the Width, MinWidth, and MaxWidth to the same value on every column but one, so there's only one sizable column in the grid.
Unfortunately I was right. This does expand the middle column to fit the width, but it doesn't allow me to expand it beyond the size of the grid. I guess what I really want is for the grid to start autosized but allow the users to expand the columns as they choose after the UI loads.
I will give this a shot but think when I did it wouldn't allow me to expand the columns beyond the size of the overall grid. I still want to be able to expand a column if necessary and use the scrollbars in the grid to view cells where the text is larger than the grid.