I have an ultragrid with a lot of iterating bands: Also BandA's childs are BandBs and that childs a BandAs...
Now I have a ColumnsChooser and I want to hide columns from BandB. But from all BandBs. I didn't found any event on the ColumnChooser or UltraGrid. Is there a way to implement this?
What you could do is use the AfterColPosChanged event of the grid to track when the user makes a change to the hidden state of a column and then copy that change to all of the other bands.
Thanks, thats exactly what I need.
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know If you need my further assistance on this issue?
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Could you please post a simple sample that reproduce this issue and I’ll be glad to investigate this further for you.
I ma waiting for your details.
I am using columchooser in my ultrawingrid.
I have a grid where i have added a group as :
string tempGroupName = BusProject.GetInstance().GetCurrentProjectName() + "-TEMP MSN"; UltraGridGroup[] MSNsTempGroups = new UltraGridGroup[4]; MSNsTempGroups[0] = MSNsBand.Groups.Add("TEMP_COL", tempGroupName); MSNsTempGroups[0].Header.Appearance.TextHAlign = HAlign.Center; MSNsTempGroups[0].Header.Appearance.FontData.Name = "Arial Black"; UiM.UgrMilestones.AddValueListColumn(MSNsTempGroups[0], bandMilestone.Columns["L_TEMP_CS"], "CS", 50, Activation.AllowEdit, UiM.UgrMilestones.dateStatusList, false); bandMilestone.Columns["L_TEMP_CS"].ExcludeFromColumnChooser = ExcludeFromColumnChooser.True;
By doing the above , my columnchooser doesnt show all the columns in this group.but when i close the columnchooser it shows the group header.
I want to remove the group header from the grid or in any way i want to remove the complete group from column chooser.
Please help.