I'm using the Infrgestics Calender contron in a user control.I want to select the active day.For eg:By default the active day is set to today and I'm unable to select the active day as it is read only.If I change the active date to some years back eg:2002 the date chooser will be 2002nd year.Help me out
this is how I set the date in the DayView control:
private void ShowDayView(DateTime day){ UltraCalendarInfo calendar = dayView.CalendarInfo; calendar.ActiveDay = calendar.GetDay(day, true);
This is what I'm using.So is there any way to select the 'active' date i.e.,2010-02-01 12:59:59
DateTime active = Convert.ToDateTime("2010-02-01 12:59:59"
new AfterActiveDayChangedEventHandler
DateChooser.AfterPerformAction +=
new AfterMonthViewMultiPerformActionEventHandler