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Adding a grid to the section header.

I am trying to add a grid to a section header and it isn't working.  The closes I have gotten is seeing part of the date, it is either being cut off by the band which fills up the section, or it goes too high on the page and the top is cut off by something, though there is still space.  Here is my code:

            section.PageMargins.All = 40;

            ISectionHeader header = section.AddHeader();

            IGrid headerGrid = header.AddGrid(0, -18);

            IGridColumn column = headerGrid.AddColumn();
            column.Width = new RelativeWidth(50);
            column = headerGrid.AddColumn();
            column.Width = new RelativeWidth(30);
            column = headerGrid.AddColumn();
            column.Width = new RelativeWidth(20);

            IGridRow row = headerGrid.AddRow();
            row.AddCell().AddQuickText("Resident: " + resAsmtDoc.ResAssessment.ResidentId.ToString());
            row.AddCell().AddQuickText("Identifier: " + resAsmtDoc.ResAssessment.ResidentId.ToString());
            row.AddCell().AddQuickText("Date: " + resAsmtDoc.ResAssessment.AssessmentDate.ToString("d"));
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