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Problems when adding a control to the ControlContainerTool at runtime


Can anyone help with this issue?, I have been adding a TableLayoutPanel  to a ControlContainerTool at runtime and having the TableLayoutPanel set to AutoSize = true causes the TableLayoutPanel to show outside the ControlContainerTool and the RibbonGroup it is in..and its not just that, if i set the RibbonGroup.Settings.CanCollapse = false the TableLayoutPanel  dosent look like it is in the RibbonGroup when resizing the form..i have placed pictures for you to see what I am talking about:

You can see on the right that the TableLayoutPanel  overlaps the button and

below you can see that on AutoSize  = true for the TableLayoutPanel  it draws outside the ControlContainerTool and/or RibbonGroup .. 


Can anyone help please??


  • 44743

    The latter case seems to be a bug in the group positioning logic. I have forwarded this post to the Developer Support Manager and a DS engineer will be contacting you about this issue.

    As for the first issue, it makes sense that the contained control would overlap the button, seeing as how the button is just drawn onto the dock area control which owns the contained control. Obviously, this is not desired behavior though, so this is also a bug. However, we may have to just prevent CanCollapse from being set to False on RibbonGroups owning a ControlContainerTool. But hopefully a better solution can be found.

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