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Problems when adding a control to the ControlContainerTool at runtime


Can anyone help with this issue?, I have been adding a TableLayoutPanel  to a ControlContainerTool at runtime and having the TableLayoutPanel set to AutoSize = true causes the TableLayoutPanel to show outside the ControlContainerTool and the RibbonGroup it is in..and its not just that, if i set the RibbonGroup.Settings.CanCollapse = false the TableLayoutPanel  dosent look like it is in the RibbonGroup when resizing the form..i have placed pictures for you to see what I am talking about:

You can see on the right that the TableLayoutPanel  overlaps the button and

below you can see that on AutoSize  = true for the TableLayoutPanel  it draws outside the ControlContainerTool and/or RibbonGroup .. 


Can anyone help please??


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