I have a UltraCombo binded with the dataset displaying the multiple columns in the combo.
For ex: Col1 Col2
100 apple
200 apricot
when i key in text 'ap' in the ultracombo , it displays the list of items matching the string'ap' which is correct, along with it i want to highlight the matching character that is 'ap' in the col2...
Is there any way which i could achieve this in Infragistics 9.2
Hi Manoj,
There's nothing built-in to UltraCombo to do this. It's actually very difficult for us to do, because you could specify the editor for the column in the dropdown, and since the editor could be almost anything, it's nearly impossible for us to highlight part of the text.
With UltraComboEditor, this is easier for us to implement, and in fact, we have done this. There's a new property on the UltraComboEditor called AutoSuggestFilterMode which highlights the characters that match on the list. But this was added to v10.1, it's not available in v9.2.
Hi Mike,
Thank for the reply..
Can you please tell me if is it possible to enforce the column(s) in ultracombo to edit mode at runtime
I am asking this because there are properties in ultragridcell like seltext, sellen, selstart, selectedAppearance, so i was just thinking if i could make use of these properties and achieve the requirement..
Thanks Mike
The UltraCombo itself doesn't have any built-in delay. But it seems to me that you could implement one.
In ValueChanged, instead of going out the database and retrieving the data, instead just start a timer. If the timer is already running, you restart it.
Then in the Timer_Tick event, you go out and build the list from the data source and stop the timer. That way, if the user types a character, they are given a short time in which to type a second character before the data retrieval is done.
AppStylist uses a similar method when you change a property so that it doesn't re-style everything while you are in the middle of typing in a color, for example.
Hi Mike..
Thanks a lot...I would give it a try as you have explained..
In a ultracombo when ever i change the text, in the ultracombo textbox, the event text changed gets triggered...In our application based on the character that is keyed in the ultracombo textbox we hit the database and filter the records based on the 'text' that is entered in the ultracombo
for instance...
when i key in input APPLE in ultracombo text box....The text changed event gets triggered in the following pattern A,AP,APP,APPL,APPLE...correct
Is there any way where we can set some delay on the ultracombo so that i accept some set of input text from the ultracombo and then at once trigger the text change event ..
for instance
when i key in APPLE...i want the text change event to wait until that delay and accept the text with in that delay say may be APP and then trigger the text change with the input APP and do then filter the reocrds...
Please let me know if this make sense
No, UltraCombo does not support editing in the dropdown portion.
If you want to try to implement the highlighting yourself, then you could do it the way we cannot. What you would do is hide your real DisplayMember column in the dropdown, and then add an unbound column of type String and set it's Style to FormattedText.
Then you could set the Value on the cells in the unbound column to a string which uses the FormattedText capabilities to highlight the text you want.