Is it possible to change the decimal symbol and thousands separater?
I have a requiement to show the decimal point and seperater as potentially any other character specified by our users. Any ideas?
I have tried altering the format property of the column but this does not work correctly. So i have replaced the , with a : and the . with a - in the format and this is the result.
:100-00 when the normal value is actually 10,000.00
What's the DataType of the column you are working with?
Assuming it's a numeric type, then you could apply a MaskInput on the column that picks up the system settings for the decimal and separator. But I don't think there's any easy way to specify particular characters that are not set in the system itself.
I suppose another option would be to create an unbound column and then you could read the value from the "real" column and replace the decimals and separators with whatever you want and display them as a string in the unbound column. But then you would lose the ability to mask the input (assuming the field is editable).
The column will not be editable and the decimal points and seperaters can be different from the system settings.
I think the suggestion of creating the unbound column might work, or that i might even be able to do a replace on the text inside the cells itself, This would however mess up the columns totals i have but i might be able to figure that one out.