I need to add a row when ever the user right clicks on the Grid and click Add Comment.Eventhough my grid has many columns this row needs to have a single column one so that I can just add a comment desc and save it. Also I need to drag some rows under it. Is this possible by any means within ultragrid.
Let me know.
How to add a New GroupBy Row Programatically
When GroupBy property is Set to True, Does it actually creating a band. My question is, I am grouping the rows of a grid based on its commentID column. But once the user right-clicks and select AddComment,then a comment gets created and ID gets added within comment table(another table) but how can I make an empty groupby band to appear within the grid for the new commentID created so that the users can drag rows from top onto this groupby band.
e.Layout.ViewStyleBand = ViewStyleBand.OutlookGroupBy e.Layout.Bands(0).SortedColumns.Add("Ar2l_CommentId", False, True)
I don't know whether I explained the question clear enough.