I need an assignment dialog that is similar to what is built in; some fields will stay and others will be replaced. Recurrence is needed. It seems that I can either create my own dialog or customize the built in dialog. I'm not yet sure which way to go, but the second option seems like less work.
All links I have seen on customizing the built in dialog don't work. Can someone point me to information on doing this?
If I create my own dialogs, will I be able to use the appointment prompting? Or will I need to handle that as well?
I have a related question which may also affect my decision on which method to use. Can the built in appointment and recurrence dialogs be translated? Will they respond to change in culture and language in the operating system?
Hi Elizabeth,
I was able to find all of the strings for the dialog boxes. However, I see that the names of the days of the week and months are not in the resource file. Where are those?
Hello Rose,
The language will be based on the locale of the machine by default.
If you'd like to change that, you could write some code to base it on the user selection (from a combo box for example). Here's an article I found on that.
You can also do it by setting the thread's CurrentUICulture (for the translations) and CurrentCulture (for date and time formats) in response to the user's choice of language. However, you need to redraw the form to show the change. So this would be a good approach if the user is selecting the language before any of the Schedule forms appear.
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
You can also use this approach to set the default language in the [Form Name]_Load event.
Elizabeth Albert
Localization Engineer
From your description, it sounds like the appropriate resource file will run based on the target locale of the machine. We have a requirement that the language only change when the user changes it from within our application. If I follow the process you described, will the language automatically change when the user chooses a different language?
Your instructions seem clear. If I have any questions, I'll be sure to let you know. Thank you for all of your help!
I have attached a .zip file that contains a Word document I just wrote about how to rebuild the Schedule assembly. It also shows how to add the translated resource file to the Schedule project.
Note that having the product installed and downloading our source code are prerequisites.
Please let me know if this isn't clear. I tried to include lots of screenshots but then I exceeded the maximum file upload size.